Valter Faria
Senior Advisor
About Valter Faria
Advisor to Excelia, Valter has extensive experience in capital markets, communications and corporate governance, finance and investor relations (IR), having worked at JPMogan/Chase and Itaú Banks, Bovespa (B3) and Grupo Rhodia.
He was vice president and partner at Thomson Financial Brasil, where he implemented the first Capital Market and Investor Relations consultancy in the country (1998 to 2004), having coordinated IPOs and international listings. He is very active in financial and capital market organizations, with emphasis on his role as a member of the ABRASCA Capital Market Committee since 1988, former Board Member (2000-2008), former Financial Director (1997-1999) and founder of IBRI – Brazilian Institute of Investor Relations.
Academic Background
Graduated in Business Administration with postgraduate studies from Fundação Getúlio Vargas EAESP/FGV.